Ah! Two of man's greatest pleasures, a quality cigar and a shot of bourbon, are both exquisitely wrapped up in a Maker's Mark cigar. This delicate-bodied cigar is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with Cuban long-leaf tobacco seed and top-grade Indonesian wrappers.
To insure the flavor and aroma are still present when you’re ready to light up, a glass preservation tube holds the cigar and is sealed with the signature red wax of Maker’s Mark bourbon.
Like the popular Kentucky bourbon, the cigar also has a distinctive flavor. It too has an unmistakable sweet and spicy scent. The mouthwatering pre-smoke aroma tempts the palate and delivers a relaxing consistent smoke.
Top-quality handmade cigars tend to be more expensive than their lesser-quality cousins, but they are also well worth the price—and this is no different with Maker’s Mark.
This quality cigar provides a unique smoking experience in an airtight container, making it ideal for travel when a humidor isn't available.