About Us
Whether you're looking for a box of premium cigars by Cohiba, machine made cigars by Dutch Masters, or quality equipment and accessories such as gambler injectors, humidors, and cigar cutters, our online smoke shop has everything you need. As a leading online cigar shop, Moms Cigar offers a diverse product selection for smoking aficionados. We carry all the major cigar brands, including Hav-a-Tampa, Perdomo, Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Partagas, Montecristo, and so many more. PRODUCT SELECTION House Cigars House cigar manufacturers spend years developing fine quality blends and products worthy of bearing the name of the house they were made in. Made only from the finest tobacco leaves, these cigars provide a great smoking experience and an outstanding burn and draw. We offer premium products from Clementine, Evelio, Hoyo de Honduras, La Fabuloso, Nestor, 100% Dominican, Super Premium Seconds, Tia Martia, and many other brands. Domestic Cigars With their bold flavors and distinct aromas, these cigar products offer smokers immense satisfaction and enjoyment. Moms Cigar offers a wide variety of machine made cigars, cigarillos, and blunts from only the most popular brands such as Al Capone, Backwoods, Dutch Masters, Garcia y Vega, Hav-a-Tampa, Marsh Wheeling, Swisher Sweets, and White Owl. Imported Cigars Find a large selection of imported cigar products from us here at Moms Cigar. Made from fine tobacco leaves and available for great prices, we offer quality premium cigars from renowned manufacturers including Agio Mehari's, Arturo Fuente, Camacho Cigars, Savinelli, Rosa Cuba, Romeo y Julieta, and Partagas. Little Cigars Also known as "cigarillos", little cigars are wrapped in a tobacco leaf or skin that is considerably smaller than those used for the standard variety. Because of their size, these tobacco products are held and enjoyed in a slightly different manner than the larger cigars. They are a quicker and more affordable way of enjoying the flavors and aromas of a cigar, as the tip is already removed and they can be enjoyed on the go. Our online cigar shop offers all the popular little cigar brands available today, including Captain Black, Dutch Treats, King Edward, Remington, Vaquero, and Zanzibar. Pipes and Pipe Tobacco Moms Cigar also offers premium quality products for those who enjoy other tobacco and smoking products. Our online smoke shop offers pipes and pipe tobacco from world renowned manufacturers, including Corleone, Peterson, 4 Aces, Borkum Riff, Cheyenne, Paladin, Red Cap, and Sir Walter Raleigh. Cigar Equipment and Accessories Aside from our cigar and pipe tobacco products, Moms Cigar also carries equipment such as RYO tubes and injectors, as well as high quality accessories like lighters, ashtrays, and humidors