Mom's Cigars now offers premium Te Amo brand cigars. These high quality, handmade cigars are painstakingly crafted using traditional methods perfected by generations of cigar masters. Te Amo cigars contain one hundred percent Mexican tobacco grown in the famed San Andres Valley region of Mexico.
The Te Amo is a medium-bodied cigar and has the distinctive earthy, robust flavor, characteristic of tobacco grown in the San Andres Valley region. It evolves slowly with its warm, hearty tobacco taking center stage before a surprisingly wonderful silky, smooth finish. With its rich flavor and aroma, it is truly the king of Mexican cigars.
For fans of Mexican tobaccos, the Te Amo is a must-have! For those that have yet to try a Mexican cigar, look no further than Te Amo – the gold standard for craftsmanship and quality.