For nearly 80 years, St. Luis Rey cigars have solidified themselves as one of the most popular cigar brands in the world. These cigars have gained their reputation through their exquisite flavor and aroma.
The aroma and flavor of a St. Luis Rey cigar is achieved through a complex full-bodied blend of South American tobaccos. An eclectic choice of flavors, guarantees you’ll enjoy a bold taste and hints of leather, dried fruit, chocolate or caramel.
Presented in a handsome black box, the highly rated St. Luis Rey cigars never fail with presentation or providing you with a smooth and robust smoke. You’ll have a difficult time finding anything better for the quality and price of these cigars. St. Luis Rey has stood the test of time because the company has never failed to impress its customers. The only way to find out how this is possible is to smoke one for yourself today. You won’t be disappointed either.