Diamond Crown is proud to produce premium cigars that are highly ranked by Cigar Aficionado. These thick, 54-ring cigars blend up to seven individual tobacco leaves together, creating a rich, complex flavor and aroma. Diamond Crown cigars are carefully handmade and come with a Connecticut Fermented Wrapper made from high-quality leaves.
With every puff, these cigars bring a rich, pleasing flavor that customers often describe as creamy with hints of chocolate. Complex and smooth, this cigar is sure to turn your day from dreary to decadent.
The aroma of a Diamond Crown cigar is just as luscious as the flavor. The rich, yet pleasant, aroma will relax you as soon as it hits your nostrils. As soon as you try a Diamond Crown, they are sure to become your favorite brand.
These cigars are also affordable, whether you are a daily or occasional smoker. With such a great value, you will not be shy about sharing these cigars with your friends at social events.
If you are a cigar smoker with a taste for high-quality products, Diamond Crown is the brand for you. Our dedication to perfection makes our cigars the perfect treat for any occasion.