Avo cigars are an experience unlike any other. Each and every time you smoke an Avo cigar, be it a classic, small cigar, or XO line, you will enjoy every second. Avo offers smooth, flavorful, and high-quality smoking.
Each Avo cigar is made from handpicked Dominican tobacco. Just one small puff will send you on a tropical vacation to the warm breezes, long grasses, and aromatic fields of the Dominican Republic. You can trust that an Avo cigar is made with reverence and care to ensure that you have the smoking experience you deserve.
Even the Avo box design is classic, and yet, completely original just like the cigars. The smooth, even, full flavor of an Avo cigar is unparalleled. The rich, elegant, original scent of an Avo cigar will linger on in your home, continuously bringing you back to that beautiful place.
Avo cigars are an excellent rendition of classic cigars.